Core Project Focus

  • Despite billions in tax cuts over the last decade, Wisconsin remains one of the highest taxed states in the nation. This adversely impacts the spending power of consumers, expansion of existing businesses and new. Lowering the overall tax burden, and making taxes easier to understand, is one key to encouraging firms to start in Wisconsin, stay in Wisconsin, grow in Wisconsin, or relocate to Wisconsin.

  • Occupational licensing continues to be an overwhelming barrier for individuals entering the workforce. Inconsistent and arbitrary licensure reciprocity coupled with consistent delays from regulators in issuing licenses discourage talent from moving to or staying in Wisconsin, especially in high-demand fields, and can slow overall economic growth.

  • Wisconsin’s administrative code and regulatory burden hinders our economic growth and businesses daily. These unnecessary regulations are costly for businesses to comply with and in some cases nearly impossible for the business community to understand. Reforming our regulatory process to limit unnecessary and burdensome regulations is necessary to improve our economic outlook and help businesses grow.

  • Wisconsin consistently ranks as having the largest racial achievement gap for K-12 education in the country. Overall, only one-third of Wisconsin public school students can read or do math at grade level. These students are the next generation of entrepreneurs and business owners, construction and trades workers, healthcare staff and countless others. Wisconsin must empower parents and students to access better education options that are not solely dependent on their family income and ZIP code to improve education outcomes for the future of our state.